

Tools: Price PERFECT

Revitalize your Pricing Strategy

Are you struggling to manage a coordinated pricing effort? Without being able to see the big picture, your team may be:

  • Relying on different flavors of cost-plus pricing that sacrifice up to 450 basis points. 
  • Giving in on discounts, resulting in a downward spiral of cherry-picking
  • Working against management through pricing loopholes.

Stop playing defense! Enter Price PERFECT

Actionable, plug-in scorecards that offer a 360° view of pricing, including robust benchmarking and a wealth of proprietary customer, product, supplier, and market segment insights.

With Price PERFECT you can:

  • Understand purchasing patterns: Gain insights to increase margins on products
  • Avoid margin erosion: Use customer scorecards to design incentive-based pricing
  • Align your teams: Solidify pricing guidelines, training and support to align Sales with management

Why Price PERFECT?

Based on our best-selling book, "Pricing Optimization," Price Perfect focuses on six critical variables that help you resist pricing pushback, sell more effectively, and drive better margins.

Real results:

Our expertise has helped distributors consistently raise gross margins by 2-4% in less than a year!

Wouldn’t you like to experience the same margin boost?

Clients Using our Tools

“Given the complexity of pricing, this program specifies the relevant elements and more importantly putting them in terms that can be quantified and managed.”


HVAC Distributor

“We raised gross margins by more than 3% in less than a year. It has been an eye-opening experience.”

VP Operations

Packaging Distributor

“This program is about more than just pricing—it makes you consider the cost-to-serve, which products to sell, and how to use your resources to build more Core customers, serve them better, and be more profitable doing it.”

Director Sales

Automation Distributor